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Thoughts of a dying humourist
Saturday, January 28, 2006



Friday, January 27, 2006

New Post!

Now today's post is by no means meaningful or even makes sense, but I have to provide you eager readers some entertainment, so here goes my rants :)

First off I'd like to share with you , in my opinion, one of the funniest music videos ever made. Mr Oizo – Flat Beat.
Now not only does the song itself sound like a drunk bee ricocheting off a glass screen, but it features a strange scratching noise that could only have involved a rubber band, a needle and a dead cat.
The video features a yellow teddybear (puppeteered) in an office, signing documents , while sitting at an desk with huge speakers. He dials a number then holds the receiver up to the speakers while he headbangs so wildly it looks like his head is going to come off any second. Oh and he smokes weeners. Classic. Watch it!

While Im really happy that you liked the preview, sadly it was just that. I was bored and decided to experiment with decor and characters and that was the result. In any case, Im back at uni on Monday, so its unlikely that im going to trade lying next to the pool and seeing all my friends for sitting behind a pc trying to get a Sim to look beyond the camera :P

BUT I'm making finishing touches (read: still have one minute of film to shoot) on the Escape movie. I'll post it the second its done , I promise. And to reply on Alex's question (the real guy, not the sim) ....I use music at this point (from Muse, who else hahahaha) but later on I might try and find some sort of microphone.

The drawback just being that Im a perfectionist so that's why everything has to be polished and preened endlessly before people can see it. With characters I'll have to audition my friends (who already agreed on it) for voices, and possibly do one myself. But I have stage fright and don;t like my voice an awful lot. So that'l have to wait.

Maybe start a global project where people from all over lend their voices to a single movie. That would be awesome, don't you think? Currently, we have people from South Africa, Scotland, Northern Ireland and the United States. If anyone knows someone from say, Australia/Asia/Mexico/England , please let me know. And if you want to pitch ideas/storylines anything, post a comment! How do we plan this?

Sunday, January 22, 2006

*drumroll please* Here is some useless entertainment from yours truly, with love.



Not here or underneath


Let me start off by saying that I hope youre all well and knee-deep in random musings.
Its pretty hot and humid...but that's what you get for being near the coastline and the equator I suppose. Coffee is out of the question then. Perhaps whip out the smoothie maker, chuck in some ice and coffee powder and see what happens.

Went to the beach yesterday with my 2 cousins and sister. Despite the water being insanely cold and having a bit of a fry outside in the sun, it was a laugh. At one point my sister asked me to fasten her bikini top , and right at the moment I had it untied and ready to make a knot a huge wave bowls us all over and we're cascading beachwards, me tagging her along by her bikini strap. And after that I naturally couldnt stop laughing, which made her more annoyed and she kept yelling at me to get it done with.

A bit later this one guy comes up, with a little boy in his shoulders (probably his cousin, he didnt look old enough to be the squirt's dad) and he was like "Ladies, hello there.." The thing is, any conversation with another person youre not familiar with , when youre swimming in icy water is awkward to a degree. You try to cross your arms tightly around your chest. Does it help? No. Cos your arms are icy too. . He started talking to my cousin, she's 15 and blonde and we all know that's flypaper for any guy. Again, alot of pisstaking ensued , masterfully administered by the sibling and myself. ah well.

So last nite we had a bbq at their place, and their Dobermann Pincher had puppies a while ago. Cut to me missing out on dessert because im sitting outside with one of them in my lap. The one I had, I dubbed "confucius" cos a comical frown seemed to be fused onto his head, which was no bigger than an egg. Sort of makes you broody. As soon as I find a nice place Im getting myself a puppy.

I wish today's post could have been more witty , but hey. humourists have to have days off too.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Hello you people. This is gonna be a very short post because I only slept two hours. Don't ask. Tis a miserable moth-rain day with little prspects of happiness and randomnity for yours truly. Ok well apart from that im going to Will's , where my ex and his friend is coming to visit. As if we're all on such bloody good terms. Well we are good acquaintances but by no means can I sustain a conversation with the man , on account of , we have literally and figuratively nothing in common. That bit of my life is a perfect example of Chemistry Not Being Everything.

Last nite I had an epiphany. Me being me, was again pondering the secrets of the universe, more specifically , Why People Like Other People a.k.a The Rules of Attraction. Seeing that im so slap bang in the middle of a bout of infatuation, I thought, hey this is a perfect 3am thought pattern. And i think i may have a good theory on it although im too tired to divulge it now. It may be brilliant. And it may be utter shite. But its worth puttin on the blog ;)

Lastly, yesterday was funny because I fell off my scooter. Sure I was going 10 km /h in the front yard and as sod's law would have it mum came out to look just as I was driving into a big bush, and then subsequently slid off the scooter in embarrassment and shock-induced paralysis. Very much piss taking ensued by the family. the only scars I have are on the inside. oh, and a pinhead sized scab on my right hand. Gotta love injuries like that.

Now i regret this post being so short because im in a perfectly cynical mood today and it usually makes for astute observations and humourous writing. Ah well.
Much love to those I think about quite constantly. . And don't go feeling flattered, cos its not all of you.
To the others.....big hugs.

Friday, January 13, 2006

hOLA all the pixellated ones!

Hope youre all doing well, Im enjoying holiday cos its about in 2 weeks that I pack my life up here to start my final year at uni. But first things first.

Went on a hectic shopping spree today , and in the interest of me looking like something next year, I found a few interesting things.

1) A deliciously goth style corset top, with lace and a black flower, which buttons up with clasps from top to bottom. At least I know a guy can't take it off cos generally theyre rubbish with working bra clasps. ;)

2) I disovered that I had lost some weight without knowing it and as a consequence im a whole dress size smaller. whoohoo!!!! And to think there wasnt a single celery stick or salad involved.

3) That every single bra I picked up in the shops had some sort of padding. Sheesh! Not everyone wants padding! What happened to just liking your average sized breasts? Im pretty tempted to say that mine arent average and that theyre wonderful, but im not. Cos that would be bragging. And ladies don't brag about things like that. ;) ANyway.....
What do you think? I know the bra is the first piece of underwear to come off, but if you had to pick, would you like it ::

a>>>Au naturelle. Looks average, feels like real breasts.
b>>>Padded. Looks great but feels like sponge.

vote vote vote!!!
And tell me more things about yrou brassiere preferences! Come on! Spill the beans!

Ah yes. The fun thing about this blog is that youre all a bunch of guys and I can rant as much as I want about women's things. And you still read it. Gotta love you guys just for that.
If you ever need advice or wanted to ask something incredibly embarrasing (whether it has to do about women or not) , feel free to ask me.

I see now that the whole post is about shopping and boobies.
I promise to post something constructive tomorrow!!!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The GraNd TouR !
Hello....Since im being useless at the moment and merely awaiting my birthday, which is 11 January (remember it....great date..) I thought, hey, why not take your blogfriends on a quick tour of your life in photos. Girls and Boys, im living proof that you can go from fat to skinny and back, and from cute to ugly to presentable to alot of other adjectives.. All in 21 years. hahahahaSO here it is:

Me at about 6 months I think. Truth be told, I don't look very much different from every other baby youre likely to see. And all babies look the same to me until they start to sprout hair or teeth. I think this is due to Sims2. Im yawning cos apparently I never slept at the right times and kipped off in the busiest times (like lunch). meh.

Age 2 and a half I think. On vacation in Hermanus or someplace. Look at my arms. I look like the bloody Michelin Man. Thank goodness for baby fat falling away eventually...
And I was blonde, which would explain my stupid streak today.

Age 4. I loved posing for a camera , mum said. But that was before I knew how crap I looked on the pictures. hehehehe. I don't know which detail in this picture is more strange, me having pink shoes or me wanting to pose in such an absurd way.

Standard 1. (aged 9) Two years after this, was about the time that I kept asking other kids what the hell was written on the blackboard and the teacher would get peeved off at me. Turns out I needed glasses.

First year in high school hahahahaha Your adolescence would be awkward too if you looked like this. Oddly it didnt bother me at the time. Apparently it doesnt matter that you have flawless skin if you have terrible bangs and glasses this big.
Welcome to the worst part of my life.

Present day. (ok well...today to be exact.) I'd like to think that I cleaned up quite well since school. :P

So there you have it kids.!
Enjoy tomorrow!

Monday, January 09, 2006

A few days on....

hey !!! Long time no post I know, but it seems that you have been entertaining yourselves by answering my quiz, thanks so much it does actually provide a teeny bit of insight into the male mind. ALthough I will never completely figure it out, im trying.
Hey and on another topic, its my BDay on wednesday! 11 January (a cool 21 years!)

Not much news this side, the weather has been light rain with no sign of the sun whatsoever. Watched a bit of travel tv today, there was a Floyd on Africa (an ageing chef with a penchant for drinking wine while he cooks) and they did a quick summation of the country. And then it hit me - they only places where you'll find squatter camps are here and something similar in Mexico. To us the little shacks are a daily part of the scenery, a sort of desensitization to poverty I suppose.

And in line with a request by a friend, i have gone and dug up some key photos that you'd need if you were considering a trip to S.A. It all depends on where your fancy lies.
There's the coastline, which is home to many quaint villages and bigger tourist-geared towns, not to mention the beaches and natural scenery. Secondly there's more inland, the Savannah region and Eastern Cape, where you'd find the wildlife and more "african" way of living (they may stick you in a rondavel, which is a small round house traditionally inhabited by tribes) .Sure its a bit drier but by no means less beautiful. Then of course there's the jewel in the crown ,the Western Region, with vineyards and great green expanses of valleys and mountains, its very peaceful.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Some Knowledge For 2006

Hello all! I was off yesterday, and since it was damn hot ,i was mingering about in as little clothing as I could without people frowning, lying on the bed/couch with my eyes glued to the idiot box. Normally I don't watch so much t.v but heat = decreased brain activity, take this from someone who is used to the harshest that the southern hemisphere can offer. I hope youre all good, just being ushered into the New Year. I don't have any illustrious stories of debauchery and dark goings-on to report sadly, but Im surely going to make some the second I get back to uni, because this place is dead. There's always the limited male population of my psych + language classes.....or not. Luckily the commerce building is right around the corner as is the science building, and I have it on pretty good authority that those buildings have more testosterone than ours. Seeing as the majority of my small blog readership is male, here are a few questions , again gender related, because to be fair, we can't get enough of that little chestnut ;)

1. If you had to think stereotypes, which would you choose : arts girl / science girl / commerce girl? And why?

2. Youre fighting , if you could dictate her behaviour, what should she do?:
(a) Present her argument in a logical way and you come to a mutually satisfying solution.
(b) Yell at you (possibly try to slap you) and go hysterical, but you don't mind because it means the adrenaline's flowing.
(c) Cry and get emotional , telling you how she can't believe youre doing this and she loves you etc etc.
I realise there are pitfalls and pros to all three, so go think about it.

3 You bring a girl home before you ask her out. But your mother doesnt approve at all. you:
(a) ask her out . she's dating you, after all, not your mother
(b) Be cautious of your mother's advice, but decide to do it anyway.
(c) Dont ask her out.

4. Her laugh. You'd like it to be:
(a) Loud and bombastic because that means that she finds something you said extremely funny.
(b) A chortle that sounds higher than her normal voice, but flirty and it reminds you of the girls in primary school.
(c) a slightly amused chuckle
(d) a genuine out-of-her-belly laugh that's contagious
(e) a polite laugh (yes you have heard it before...)
and please do explain what you think about these things :)

Youre at a party with your girlfriend. You'd most like her to say to you:
(a) "Let's go dance!"
(b) "Youre the most attractive man here"
(c) "That guy was looking at me, but I'd rather be with you"
(d) "I want to throw you down on a couch and start nibbling on you"
(e) Say nothing, just start running her hands down your neck.

Thank you boys!
